Fallen Fruits offers a range of unique gifts inspired by nature. Please note, Fallen Fruits supplies Trade Accounts only

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Blue Tit Bird House (grey) FSC® 100%

No modern well organised garden can do without bird supplies. This timeless nesting box will give the Blue Tit a good place to nest and will help conserve their population or help their reintroduction in a certain area. This made to fit nesting box offers not only the Blue Tit ,but also the Crested Tit, Marsh Tit, Willow Tit and Coal Tit, a good place to nest In the winter the box will be of good use to the birds that can take shelter from the elements. The correct place to hang a nesting box is in a quit and somewhat sheltered spot, not in direct sunlight or in the prevailing rain side, with an unhindered flight path for the bird. Fall is the best time to clean a nesting box. • 27 mm (1.063") diameter entrance hole • suitable for Blue Tit, Crested Tit, Willow Tit, Marsh Tit, Coal Tit • to be opened through the bottom

Pack Size 4

Dimensions 19.2 x 18. x 31.2 cm


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