Fallen Fruits offers a range of unique gifts inspired by nature. Please note, Fallen Fruits supplies Trade Accounts only

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Little Owl Box FSC® 100%

During the day the little owls hide and sleep, becoming active during dusk and at night. In a natural environment they nestle in hollow trees and caves. Since these nesting locations are becoming increasingly scarse, this little owl box is an excellent nesting alternative for these, up to 23cm (10.2"), birds. The small section in the front of the nesting box will be used for the chicks when feeding. Choose a quiet place on a tree trunk at a height of 3 - 5m (9.8/16.4ft) to attach the little owl box. Place the nesting box in a part of the tree where the leaves are not too thick, so that the owls can easily reach the nesting box. Make sure the entrance hole is facing South to Southeast, otherwise the rain may get in. Choose a shady spot for the little owl box to prevent the heat from rising during the summer months. Little owls like to use other nesting boxes simultaneously for food storage or in case of danger. It can be cleaned every two to three years, between the months of October and December. Clean by unscrewing the two screws on the back Suitable for the Little owl Fixtures not included

Pack Size 1

Dimensions 80.5 x 31 x 52 cm


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