Fallen Fruits offers a range of unique gifts inspired by nature. Please note, Fallen Fruits supplies Trade Accounts only

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Bark Roof Bird House Blue Tit FSC® 100%

A nesting box should not be missing in any garden.This basic nesting box with pure materialsoffers the Blue Tit a cosy place to nest and to maintain or regain populations of this bird species in an area. The custom made nesting box with bark roof is suitable for Blue Tits , Crested Tit, Glanskop, Matkop and Black Tit a good place to nest in . In the winter the nest box a dry and safe place to shelter. The correct place to hang the box ia a quiet and somewhat sheltered place , so not directly in the sun or on the rainy side , with a free flight path for the bird , Autumn is the best time to clean the nest box. 27mm diameter entrance hole. Opens at the bottom.

Pack Size 4

Dimensions 20.0 x 17.8 x 8 cms


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