Fallen Fruits offers a range of unique gifts inspired by nature. Please note, Fallen Fruits supplies Trade Accounts only

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Bark Roof Bird House Robin FSC® 100%

A nesting box should not be missing in any garden.This basic nesting box with pure materialsoffers the Great Tit a cosy place to nest and to maintain or regain populations of this bird species in an area. The custom made nesting box with bark roof is suitable for Robin, spotted flycatcher,Common Redstart a good place to nest in . In the winter the nest box a dry and safe place to shelter. The correct place to hang the box ia a quiet and somewhat sheltered place, no higher than 1.5m , so not directly in the sun or on the rainy side , with a free flight path for the bird , Autumn is the best time to clean the nest box. Opens at the bottom.

Pack Size 4

Dimensions 21.5x21.5x31.0cms


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