Fallen Fruits offers a range of unique gifts inspired by nature. Please note, Fallen Fruits supplies Trade Accounts only

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Coconut Briquettes

Coconut briquettes are very popular because of their longer burn time and less ash. In addition,coconut briquettes are a very sustainable and 100% natural product. The briquettes do not require the felling of trees, but are made from the residual product of the coconut . A coconut is grown for its moisture and fruit. The coconut shells are waste, so to speak. By charring these shells and pressing them into briquettes, you get a very sustainable product from something that would normally be waste. A natural binding agent is also used to keep the briquette in its shape. So a 100% natural product. Heat release Burning energy value : 26.5 MJ/kg Moisture percentage <7% Suitable for BBQ

Pack Size 48

Dimensions 30.5 x 23.5 x 56.0cm


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